Hello Residents:

It was my privilege to represent you on City Council, for the last 8 years. As a rapidly growing society, we must advance and continue to implement and develop strategies to improve our city. A few areas of mention are budget accountability that directly impact our citizens, our aging population, and health care issues for all ages/ethnic groups, business growth, prevention of traffic congestion and improving public safety and crime prevention.

I am fully committed to helping to improve the well-being of all Brampton residents. It’s my responsibility to ensure that you are informed and aware of the current and ongoing issues that affect you.

Community involvement and communication is very important and I will strive to keep you informed at all times. I will also continue to be your voice at council to ensure that your concerns are heard and actioned. Brampton has a promising future, and as your Regional Councillor for Wards 7 and 8, I will demonstrate leadership that our community can believe in supported by integrity, accountability and honesty.

As we move forward, I am committed to continuing focusing on our economic recovery,as well as continuously improving the day-to-day operations of the corporation. I willcontinue efforts to strengthen and promote Brampton as a vibrant city, and support along-term plan for residents and businesses to work together towards strengtheningback our economy.

With the focus on advancing this Term of Council’s Priorities, we continue to deliver key initiatives to move our city forward. We will continue to deliver the efficient and effective services that matter most and that our residents have come to expect.

We are making progress on major initiatives including bringing a new school of medicine to Brampton, building a new hospital for Brampton residents, and building Brampton Transit’s third storage and maintenance facility.

As your Regional Councillor, I am committed to working with Council, both at the City and Regional levels, to improve transit and active transportation opportunities as well as focusing on Brampton’s diversity, education, employment opportunities and neighbourhood services, plus building affordable housing and enhancing support for seniors and families.

Please connect with me at any time. I am available to meet with you to discuss your ideas and suggestions and to attend any events or celebrations in Wards 7 & 8. I can be reached at 416-804-2510 or e-mail me at patfortini@rogers.com. You can also contact me at my campaign office at 647-834-7214 or through my Web page at www.patfortini.ca

On October 24th, 2022, your vote is your voice and I would appreciate your support to help see our city grow and prosper. If you share my vision, I urge you to connect with me and help make it happen! Together, we can make a meaningful difference for our families, our communities, and our country


  • Increased financial assistance for snow program
  • Securing new medical school to Brampton
  • Free transit passes for Seniors
  • Secured funding for the new Brampton hospital
  • ASE cameras, in community safety zones
  • Parks revitalization
  • Denouncing Bill 21 which discriminate against religious freedom
  • Zero % tax increase over 4 years
  • New Diversity and Equity office
  • Driveway widening new by law requirements
  • Emancipation Park recognizing black history
  • Revitalization of Rec centres in Wards 7 & 8